Well, Bella's been sick for weeks and was getting better with the Zyrtec but now she's getting worst. She coughs and coughs and coughs. Poor little thing. Last night we were driving back from Mariposa church and she coughed the WHOLE HOUR drive :( We just dont know what to do. She was coughing just at night but now she coughs during the day too. And she wakes herself up at night because she just coughs, coughs, coughs... And last night she woke up at 3:30 and couldnt stop coughing. So I was up with her for about 30 minutes trying to help her go back to sleep. We gave her another medicine for cough suppressant but it doesnt seem to help much :( ugh ... and her appetite is way down too.
Anyways, if you are still with me, please keep Bella in your prayers. I just want her to feel better and be healthy!
And here's a picture of her :) Our little cutie :)