I hate being sick. And I hate when Billy and Bella get sick. It's just miserable and not fun at all.. I've been up since 3:30 coughing and feeling yiaky.. well, I've been coughing and feeling yiaky for a week now. That's partly why I decided to go to the ER at 5 am! My throat felt like it was burning when I woke up and I didnt know if perhaps it was strep or something worst.. BUT, apparently all I have is allergies and got 3 prescriptions for some antibiotics, steroids and allergy meds. I hope to start feeling better soon. I'm so sick and tired of coughing and feeling like crap :( Plus I've been drinking TONS of water and I go to the bathroom every 10 minutes..
I'm just glad Bella stayed with my parents last night so Billy and I could rest - even if I woke up at 3 in the morning!
Sorry you've been sick, I'm sure it will get better now that we have the right med's. LOVE YOU!
You know, I had something very similar about... 7 years ago. It turned out to me mononucleosis... They only found out after I asked them to take a blood test, because I wouldn't get better no matter what they gave me... I hope it's not the same case with you, dear, but it would be good to request some blood tests...
Thanks Marciana. I'm going to the doctor next week, so hopefully we'll find out what's going on :)
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