She's not sleeping through the night yet which wouldn’t be so bad if after waking up and eating she would go back to sleep. BUT NO! She has to stay awake for 2-3 hrs and keep everybody awake with her! She's been doing this for over a week now and it's driving us insane. I think I have an ulcer and this week I went to the doctor to check on my thyroid because I've been loosing so much hair. My thyroid is fine but I have an UTI. I know, TMI! But I'm already taking antibiotics and pain meds it. On top of that my hair keeps falling by the handful and I have nightmares that I have to wear a wig because I'm bold!!!!
Well, we have some friends (who will remain unnamed) who had their baby about 3 weeks after us and she's sleeping through the night, doesn’t cry, has no colic or reflux, takes 2 to 2 and half hour naps during the day, doesn’t spit or vomit, poops a couple of times a day, loves her car seat and it's super quiet and peaceful baby... don’t take it personal, but I HATE "NORMAL" BABIES (and their parents)!!! Especially when everyone try to tell you all the things you are doing "wrong".... I keep asking my Billy what I did wrong on a past life that I get to endure all this... not that I believe in a past life or karma, but seriously! WHY WHY WHY?!!?!? BTW Isabella is the total opposite from the things in the list above... AND MORE! And people wonder and think I'm joking when I say we are NOT having any more kids... Billy's theory is that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I think God trusts me too much...
Amazingly enough, after being a complete nightmare and whiny baby for hours, all she has to do is smile or stick her tongue out or coo baby words or giggle and we forget that we were about loose it and all we can do it smile back and eat her up with kisses! :) And as her daddy says, "she's lucky she's cute!" ;)
In any case, I've joined a thread on 2Peas and I love it! The moms, their babies, and their stories are as "normal" as mine will ever be (or so it seems that way!) and so I feel among friends!
1 comment:
Awwwwwww hon I am so sorry you're so frustrated! And not being a mom I can't say much comforting....but, silver lining, I also can't tell you what a good baby I have, lol!
I keep praying for you guys...maybe you can be spared the teenage eyerolling and late nights out, in exchange for crying infancy?
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