Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another trip to the Children's Hospital

I talked to Bella's pediatrician and she got the results from the hip xray from last Friday. She said the report suggests Bella might have left hip dysplasia, meaning the bone is not well into the socket. We are being referred to an orthopedist at the Madera Children's Hospital and so we'll know more after we talk to the specialist. Keep our little one in your prayers!


elizabeth strehle said...

I am glad that the doctors saw something on the GI scans. It is better to find this early. please post after the trip to the specialist. Has bella been walking symetrically? Let me know what they find. I will be praying.

elizabeth strehle said...

I am sorry for all that you and bella have been going through with her health. It sounds like you have good doctors and she is in good hands.