Sunday, March 22, 2009

New car!!!

Today we got an amazing RAK. The personnel director from the Conference had offered us a free car a few days ago and we picked it up today. A few weeks ago Billy had his annual review and he told him that it's been rough having only 1 car, especially for me with a baby and being stuck at home.. etc etc.. anyways, he talked to his wife and since they had recently inherited a car, they decided to pass the blessing to us and give us their older car. It's a Ford Explorer 1999 but it's in *great* condition and has a lot of upgrades. I'm just so thankful and I dont think it has sunk in :) lol... I just can believe it!!! :) :) Billy already took some pictures so I'll post some later.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First day of work

Today I started my part-time job as the church/school secretary. The desk was a mess and between Billy and the school principal's to-do-list I could be full time, but alas they are only giving me 12 hrs a week... we'll see...

Also, another super cute giveaway - baby shoes! :)

ok, one more.. cool swimming suits

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doctors appointments

Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment. Among other things, I recently started having pain in my right upper abdomen. I figured it was my liver because I dont have a gallbladder anymore... The doctor ordered some blood work, which I did this morning, to figure out what's wrong..

Today, Bella had her orthopedist appointment. And we got some good news!! He said the x-rays showed her left hip had some delayed growing but he thought her bones should continue to grow normally and since she's walking fine and otherwise developing normal he didn't think we needed to do anything special - i.e. cast or special shoes. PRAISE THE LORD!!! He also said it was ok for her to go to the Toddler's gym class! Which she's absolutely loving!!!

She was 25.4 lbs and 31 in. She's growing and growing :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Library Time

Yesterday, Bella and I went to the Merced Library for the Story Time at 10 am. It was great and Bella loved it! A lady read a few stories, the kids played instruments and sung, and at the end they each got a sheet of paper to color. Bella really enjoyed it and we are planning on going again! :)

Today, we had the MAS Talent Show at our church. Bella danced, Billy beat-boxed and I took pictures :) Those are our talents!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bella is 21 months!!

Bella turned 21 months today!! She's growing so much, learning every day, getting more and more adorable :) It's amazing how fast her second year is going. Regular sleep makes a HUGE difference! And she's been healthy the last 3 weeks. So that's awesome!! We are going next week for her orthopedics appointment but I'm trying not to stress out about it.

Bella and I went to MOPS in the morning. Then we went to the park in the afternoon and met some of the MOPS moms and kids. Bella gets really shy when she's around other kids and it takes her a little bit to warm up to them. But she really enjoys being around other people.

After the park we went to the church to organize the Beginners SS room and put together the swing. It's looking really great! We need to hang some more frames and make sure they clean it before Sabbath. Bella loved having all the riding horses all for herself :) And she was playing the piano and playing with the other stuffed animals. She also saw Flopi before going to bed and she was SO happy :) She loves Flopi so much. I hope they can be friends for a long time :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flip Mino HD

Ryan McLean from Smarter Wealth is giving away a brand new Flip Mino HD to one lucky reader. This will be the easiest Flip Mino HD to win because barely anyone is going to enter meaning more chances that you can win.

The Flip Mino HD is the coolest gadget around. You can shoot one hour of video in HD (so you can play it on your plasma) and you can even edit your footage right on your device. This device is so small that it will fit in your pocket so you will never miss capturing a moment ever again.

To enter all you have to do is sign up for Ryan’s newsletter and post about the competition.

Check out all the details of how you can enter the Win a Flip Mino HD competition now.