Sunday, March 22, 2009

New car!!!

Today we got an amazing RAK. The personnel director from the Conference had offered us a free car a few days ago and we picked it up today. A few weeks ago Billy had his annual review and he told him that it's been rough having only 1 car, especially for me with a baby and being stuck at home.. etc etc.. anyways, he talked to his wife and since they had recently inherited a car, they decided to pass the blessing to us and give us their older car. It's a Ford Explorer 1999 but it's in *great* condition and has a lot of upgrades. I'm just so thankful and I dont think it has sunk in :) lol... I just can believe it!!! :) :) Billy already took some pictures so I'll post some later.


April said...

Wow!! That is so wonderful for you. I'm really glad it worked out. I'm sure it was a complete answer to prayer.

elizabeth strehle said...

awesome! that is such a huge blessing! what generous people. pay it forward.

Sandy said...

What a crazy-good blessing!! See how God takes care of you :)