Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More teeth coming out!

What else can I say?! Her teeth are coming out and she's cranky! LOL


Bre said...

Hi - I just wanted to ssay Hello! I found your blog on TwoPeas... I have bookmarked you and I bounce ideas off of you cards for my own! You are very talented!

I also wanted to tell you that I just made a post on my own blog, very similiar to this!!! My daughter is totally teething right now, too! She's 13 months!

And I see your in NorCal, me, too!!!!

Anyway, there was no message portion on here and I just wanted to say HI!


Nathalia said...

Thanks! :) I tried looking at your blog but it says it's only by invitation. Anyways, Bella will be 1 in a couple of days and her top teeth are coming out. It's so cute! :)